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Warning to all Dog Owners!
I would like to take this opportunity to give you all a word of caution pretaining to treats that we all give to our pets. A big WARNING regarding raw hide bones. Do NOT give your dogs rawhide bones. One of my Poms, (Rock and Prissy's other son) choked to death when he was 6 months old. I thought I was doing something good for my pets by buying them a "treat". I gave them their rawhide bones, as I'd done a dozen times before. I left the room for 15 minutes and when I returned, he was already gone and as much as I tried there was nothing I could do to save him. The vet said these things are extremely dangerous. Although their sold in every pet store, grocery store and discount store, they are very bad for your dog. As the dog chews on the rawhide, it gets wet and swells, pieces can break off. The dog swallows the swollen pieces and it gets lodged in the dogs throat causing the dog to choke to death. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOG RAWHIDE. I learned the hard way and still have not come to terms with it. Although it was just an accident, I lost one of my babies that I loved very much. Please don't let it happen to you!